Category: Sketch of the Day
Robin Williams (sketch)
Robin Williams – The Fisher King I was heartbroken, just like most of you, upon hearing about Robin Williams’ passing. You often don’t realize how much an actor, or a person, is part of the things you enjoy until they are gone. Good Morning Vietnam was one of the first movies I had on VHS when I got my own VCR. I watched it hundreds of times and always laughed, and got sad, all because of Robin Williams’ acting. Later I got The Fisher King and watched that 100s of times as well. I loved that movie and how Robin Williams portrayed a man who lost everything and lived in his own fantasy world. There are tons of other great movies of his and roles that no other actor could have played. Rest in peace, you’re going to be missed Robin Williams. Thank you.
Katy Perry in Philly
Katy Perry running up the art museum steps in her pizza onesie! After her show in Philly last night she promised the audience she’ll meet them at the art museum to race up the steps like Rocky! Here’s a link to the story.
This vector illustration started out as a quick color sketch but I wanted it to look slick and cartoony like Katy’s song, “This Is How We Do.” Here is the sketch:
Cell Phone Dinos (sketches)
Selfie-saurus Text-neck syndrome -
TBT- old ‘Empire Strikes Back’ sketch
Unfinished sketch from a long time ago (1997) in a galaxy far, far away (Glassboro, NJ)… It was the follow up to my first Star Wars painting of the good guys from ‘A New Hope’- the bad guys from ‘Empire Strikes Back.’ Lando is not looking too good. I might have started a new sketch or just moved on to the painting. Back then we didn’t have Google Image so I had to pause my VCR (no DVDs either) in order to draw this scene. You kids don’t know how easy you have it these days! haha
Doctor Who sketches
Doctor Who Working on some Doctor Who sketches to be framed and sold at the South Jersey Geekfest!