
Have you watched PEN15 yet? It’s hilarious, creative, and relatable for all of its middle school awkwardness.

365 Challenge Day 83

Six is afraid of Seven ‘cause Seven ate Nine. Make a visual pun for today’s #365daychallenge. Now I have that Royksopp song in my head!

365 Challenge Day 81

Make something out of erasers for today’s #365daychallenge. I used my trusty kneaded erasers, complete with graphite grain, to sculpt this little robot.

The Descendants sketch

Movie Monday was The Descendants; about a guy who tries to connect with his two daughters after a tragic accident. It stars George Clooney and Shailene Woodley and takes place in beautiful Hawaii.

Happy Birthday to Mister Rogers

Happy Birthday to Mister Rogers! I have been working on this illustration for a while and hurried to finish it when I found out he was born this day in 1928. ?